The Best 5 Family Board Games

Playing board games as we all know is something which is done far less today than it used to be, board games have taken second place next to computer games and more technical gadgets. However what’s the real truth, are board games less popular or are people just forgetting that they exist as a fantastic form of entertainment. I think most people will probably agree it’s the latter.

Board games always have been and always will be a fun and user friendly way to relax, have fun and socialise. Gone are the days when families sit around together at the table for dinner, gone are the days when families socialise and spend quality time with each other. But re-plenishing that desire in people and families in particular doesn’t have to be that hard. This is the reason we’ve developed our top list of favourite family board games.

Monopoly Board Game

The Monopoly board game has come in as our most favourite family board game of them all, yes it leads to arguments and yes it can go on for a good length of time. With those things said though, the one thing that Monopoly can do is get a family talking and interacting with each other and that’s what we’re trying to achieve right?!

With Monopoly you start with a set amount of money and you take it in turns to roll the dice and move around the board. The object of the game is to slowly build your empire by spending the money you’re given to buy properties, houses and land, then get super rich.

This popular board game has been around for around 80 years and continues to remain popular to this day. Read more about the Monopoly board game and it’s history.

Cranium Board Game

The Cranium board game has come second in our most favourite family board games. This board game has been around for about 12 years all told and the point of the game was to allow people with a range of skills to play it. Unlike Monopoly, Cranium requires a far broader set of skills than just being able to buy and sell properties. Cranium requires you to be able to sing, dance, draw, act and just about any other thing you can think of.

Cranium involves selecting a card, completing a task and moving to the next space, the aim being to reach the end of the board as quickly as possible.

The best thing about Cranium is that is allows everyone to “have a go”, you work in small teams to take on the challenges, so if you’re not too good at one task then don’t worry as someone else in your group might be. Read more about Cranium board game and it’s history.

Payday Board Game

The Payday board game is similar to Monopoly, however the overall aim of Payday in comparison to Monopoly was to be much more realistic. The game centers around one working month and your challenge is to move your way through the “month” (board) and deal with any challenges which may arise. This maybe a mortgage payment, a loan payment or a lottery win, either way the winner of Payday is the person who deals with these challenges the most and stays financially stable.

Read more about the Payday board game and it’s history.

Sorry Board Game

The Sorry board game is in the style of a classic board game, roll the dice and move your pieces based on the instructions given on the cards. The player who’s the first to move all of their pieces to the “home” space, wins!.

It’s a fun and cheery board game which is great for Mom & Dad and the two children. Read more about the Sorry board game and it’s history.

Life Board Game

Life board game is our least favourite of the board games in this list, hence the reason why we’ve put it into position 5. Life, or Game of Life as it’s called in some countries, is a game in which you start from the beginning of your adulthood and you make the choice of going to University or getting a job. You then work your way around the board, having children, progressing in your career, taking on a mortgage and buying stocks & shares. The overall aim of the game is to reach the end of the board first and with the most money and life tokens.

The main problem with the Life board game is that it’s pretty much based 100% on luck, there is really no judgement to it. This is one of the main criticisms received in our list of Life board game reviews. However, it’s still a good bit of fun for the family on a rainy day.